
14 January 2014

Moving on to.......................... Hungary!

These past few months have been filled with ups and downs. Due to family emergencies back home I decided to leave my beloved Deutschland to come back to the good ole' USA. 

My homecoming was bittersweet but being there for my family made up for it. I was also very fortunate to be able to step back into the job I worked at during high school and college. Without the kindness of my boss who chose to offer me employment despite my uncertain future I was able to earn enough money to purchase my ticket back to Europe. I was even able to spend two weekends at Vision's Center on Blindness where I was able to reconnect with many of the people who made summer 2013 a great one.

Throughout this situation I kept my eye on my goal of living abroad in a new country and began searching for jobs as soon as my family was back on track. I can now happily announce that things are looking up. The job search was difficult but I was able to secure a position teaching at a bilingual school in Budapest, Hungary. 48 hrs from now I'll be flying to Europe!

This position is a dream come true for me, I can't wait to share my wonderful experience as I explore a new part of the world.

P.S. Germany was wonderful although short. Sometime in the future I'll post more about it but the decision to go home was too difficult, I'm not ready to post all the pictures. Somehow doing that would make it feel more real and I'm just not ready for that.