
07 December 2012


This past weekend was supposed to be awesome, a group of us traveled to Shanghai to see my best friend before he went back to the USA.

The trip started off with a train adventure from our "small city" to the great metropolis of Shanghai. Seventeen hours, two trains, a trip to a sex shop, and a strange baiju filled meal later; we were standing in front of Shanghai Railway station.

The trip started out great! After losing ourselves in the depths of a Shanghai black market we went out for a great dinner with the MCLA-ers of Shanghai. I'd post pictures to show our awesome treasures, but too many are USA bound for presents. So instead here are a picture of my awesome new shoes. 

Our second day started great as well, we found the Yuyuan Gardens after a long search. We spend time at a famous Shanghai tea house. Life was good.

That's when things started to take a turn for the worst; a trip to the brewery gone bad. I remember beer, Long Island Ice Teas, shots of SoCo, and being really happy. Then I woke up.

Drunk me said somethings that hurt people I care about. I don't know what I said, I don't know what I was thinking when I said them, but I know that I am so sorry and ashamed for hurting the people I care about. Most of all I really hope that one day we will all be able to see past this.

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