
17 September 2013

It's Been Awesome

I love the word awesome. I like to describe things as awesome and I strive to make sure that everything I do is awesome. Life is short, something I've been reminded of a few to many times. Especially this summer. However despite some truly trying times, I must admit this summer was awesome.

Last March I spent the whole month applying to summer jobs in the United States. I had many phone interviews and it came down to two jobs. My first choice job and the job that all my friends thought I should take. It took me a few weeks to figure out what to do, but I followed my favorite saying:
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, your heart will not lead you astray."
I found myself working at Visions VCB or VCB as we commonly referred to it, a residential program for people who are blind or visually impaired. Here I worked through all the sessions ranging from small children to active adults. During my time in China I hadn't realized how much I missed helping people and at VCB I was constantly helping. More than that I was impacting someone's life. I know that teaching is impacting someone's life in a positive way as well, but somehow it's just not the same. It seems that no matter how long I postpone this post looking for the perfect words to describe it, I never seem to find them.

Growing up I always knew I wanted to help people, but I didn't know how I wanted to help people. In college I found Social Work, and I loved it. But somehow it wasn't enough. I wanted passion. And despite how much I loved my Social Work classes and internships, I didn't have passion for it. The only thing I found passion for was traveling. Working my summer job introduced me to the field of Visual Rehabilitation Therapy, something I think I've found a passion for and want to continue pursuing in the future. So as the title says it's been awesome!

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