
29 September 2013

So is it true???????????

I can't tell you the first time I heard rumor of the McDonald's in Germany selling beer. I think it was sometime during my time learning German in middle & high school. I assumed it wasn't true. I've traveled to many countries and I've never found a McDonald's that sold beer. Not that I seek out McDonald's food, it's just that they always have clean bathrooms!

As I made my way to the Bier und Oktoberfest Museum I passed a McDonald's. It crossed my mind that it might sell beer but I was on my way to the museum. I arrived at the museum about 40 minutes before it was scheduled to open. Looking for something to kill time I decided to wander back to the McDonald's.

To my surprise I found beer on the menu for 2 euro 10 cent. I decided to make it lunch and got myself a burger as well.

My lunch: beer & a big mac

Proof! My receipt.

You can't quite tell it's beer, but I assure you it is.

1 comment:

  1. It's Rolande :)
    My only question HONESTLY believe that McDonalds has clean bathrooms?! o.o;
