
05 May 2013

Hong Kong

When I first arrived in China I was surprised by what it looked like. For some reason the standard pictures of what China should look like (I thought) was not at all like what I was seeing. At some point I got used to this skewed version of what I thought and decided that I must be crazy on some level. Turns out my thinking wasn’t crazy. I was just thinking of Hong Kong. Every image I had in my head of what China looked like I found while wondering around the crazy city of Hong Kong. Honestly I could have never left, Hong Kong is an amazing mix of the East and West, I loved it beyond belief.

The first day in Hong Kong we enjoyed the plethora of English found everywhere as well as the non-Chinese food that wasn't much more expansive than Chinese food itself.

The second day was when I really started sight-seeing, I woke up early and went straight to the peak. Unfortunately that wasn't the best idea, the morning was very foggy so I didn't get a good view.

The day continued with a trip to the longest escalator in the world, the mid-levels escalator. 

I spent the rest of the day enjoying the beach! I have seen the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii or the middle as I say, and now I had the opportunity to see it from the Asian side.

I even splurged and had a ride in a traditional boat!

Its difficult to go to a museum in a foreign country because of the language barrier so I've been avoiding them in China. To date I've only been to one museum in Kunming to learn about the flying tigers. However on my third day in Hong Kong I gave myself a morning to explore the Hong Kong museum of History before wandering through the Wan Chai area of Hong Kong Island. The museum had a really interesting exhibit about the history of Hong Kong itself. Strolling through the exhibit made me miss my home's proximity to the impressive museums in NYC.

Leaving Hong Kong was difficult, I absolutely loved it there, blue sky, warm weather, spoken English, it was perfect. Not to mention easy access to facebook. I think the thing I'll miss the most was the ferry rides between islands, so beautiful!

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