
02 May 2013

The Bus Ride From Hell

Generally I don’t get sick, I’m lucky in that case. I remember in school watching my friends battle cold after cold, and although I did sometimes catch the sniffles, I seemed to be immune. I’d be ten times more likely to take a “day of rest” then a sickday.

It seemed however, that this luck came at some sort of price. When I did get sick it was always at the worst times, I’ve been to many hospitals and clinics in the towns and cities I’ve visited. Fun times, nothing says vacation like a double ear infection. Of course there are also the holidays I’ve spent many a Christmas/Thanksgiving/4th of July on the bathroom floor (and its not because I got to vested in the festivities).

I suppose good luck comes at a price.

While in Kunming I ate some street food. This could be said about anyday though. Most my food consumption comes from smiling street food vendors happily preparing food for me. I’ve had stomach aches before, but never anything more.

That changed the night we went to Xishuangbana. On our way to Jinhong, a city in the Xishuangbana region, I developed the worst food poisoning I’ve ever had. Not the best way to spend a 12 hour bus ride I might add. I ended up being sick for most of our stay in Xishuangbana :-(

Evil Street Food

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