
16 May 2013

My New Hair Cut

Tuesday started out just like any other Tuesday. I slept in, relishing in my day off from teaching. A great start to a day off, it got even better when a friend texted, inquiring about a dumpling lunch at our favorite place.

Dumplings. By far one of the best things about living in China. How could I say no? Plans were made and I started to wander in the direction of the restaurant.

Going to this restaurant is usually one of the highlights of my week, I absolutely love it. For one, the woman who owns it is the nicest woman ever. She loves teaching us Chinese and tries to repeat words we say. Our lunches there usually span at least 1 1/2 hours, we order, eat, and talk.

We each ordered a plate of dumplings, we order different types and its like a dumpling sharing party.

Yummy Dumplings! Complete with a side of vinegar.

As any lunch with friends goes, we spent our time talking about a variety of subjects and at some point my hair became the focus of the conversation. In America I usually keep my hair relatively short, however in China I've kept it longer because of the difficulties getting haircuts. As we talked I held up some of my hair and made a cutting motion as I asked my friends if either of them could cut my hair.

Suddenly the owner motioned that she could cut hair and ran to the back of the restaurant. She came back and proudly announced in English that she can cut hair. After a few moments of deliberation, I gladly took her up on her offer.

Youtube Video of My Haircut When I'm in America I'll post the video here.

My Chinese Hairdresser!
Definitely my most interesting haircut ever! She didn't charge me, so I've decided to pay her back in homemade cookies! She doesn't know it yet but tomorrow I'll be surprising her with cookies :-)

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